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Unhidden Project

Unhidden Exhibition aims to support visibility of artists and art collectors by exhibiting the artworks that kept hidden inside of houses. Project advocates for a more inclusive, accessible, and culturally enriched approach to art appreciation and collection, aligned with the principles of cultural democracy and social justice.

Through this initiative, Museful strives to restore art to its rightful place in the public consciousness, ensuring that its profound meanings and historical contexts are celebrated and preserved for the benefit of all.

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Go to the gallery.

Each project period starts with an open call for artists and artistic collaborators to apply.

"In private collections, artworks often become instruments of economic and social leverage, losing their original cultural contexts and meanings. Speculative nature of the art market commodifies artworks, reducing them to financial assets valued more for their potential to appreciate in monetary terms than for their cultural or aesthetic significance. This reductionist view strips artworks of their deeper meanings, transforming them into tradable goods devoid of context. The "Unhidden" exhibition questions how art institutions and market forces collaborate to shape the value and recognition of art to serve economic and ideological interests..."

Click here to read the full curatorial text and to access the application form.

Are you an art space and want to bring the community of artists and collectors in your city to your gallery?

We can organize this for you.
You can contact us and learn about our collaboration possibilities.

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